Saturday, November 28, 2009

Who Does She Think She Is? @ the Frontier

Hello Artist-Mother-Friends, 

I wanted to share info about this movie -- it is so powerful, and was provocative when I saw it at the women's fund --women artists who are not mothers, and mothers who are not artists all found pieces that they related to, and the overall questions and issues were compelling for all of us... Check it out if you can!  Kim 

Begin forwarded message:

FILM | Who Does She Think She Is? | NR | 84min 
A Film by Pamela T. Boll

Wednesday, Nov 25 | 5pm
Friday, Nov 27 | 5pm & 8:45pm
Tuesday, Dec 1 | 5pm 
Thursday-Friday, Dec 3-4 | 3pm
Saturday, Dec 5 | 3pm
Tuesday-Wednesday, Dec 8-9 | 3pm & 7pm

"This film is not about being a woman or being a woman artist but rather how to be a human, how to find your true place in life." -  Jean M Murphy, Wellesley Center 
                                  For Women

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