Saturday, September 22, 2007

Real Teens, Real Talk in Portland Maine

Real Life, Real Talk is a Planned Parenthood project that helps adults learn strategies to create dialouge with the young people in our lives. There are tons of resources on the web site and many live workshops around the state. Here is the most recent Portland Calendar:

October 2 - "Sex Ed for Parents," 6:30-8:00 pm, The Family Center at
Youth Alternatives, 50 Lydia Lane, S. Portland.

October 10 - "Sex Ed for Parents - Part 2: Internet Safety for Kids,"
6:30-8:00 pm, Charles A. Dana Center Auditorium, Maine Medical Center,
22 Bramhall Street, Portland.

October 17 - "When Turtles Make Love," Add Verb Productions' newest
play, followed by a World Cafe discussion, 6:30-9:00 pm, Deering High
School, 370 Stevens Avenue, Portland.

October 22 - "When Turtles Make Love," as above, 6:30-9:00 pm, Portland
High School, 284 Cumberland Avenue, Portland.

To register for any/some/all of these events, follow this link:

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