Friday, February 15, 2008

Safe Toys Bill / Initiative

February 14, 2008

Your help is needed immediately to protect our children from known toxic chemicals in toys and everyday products.

LD 2048 - "An Act to Protect Children's Health and the Environment from Toxic Chemicals in Children's Products" (sponsored by Representative Hannah Pingree) - would stop the unrestricted exposure of our children to known unsafe chemicals.

The bill is under attack by the chemical industry. Your Maine legislators need to hear from you immediately.

Please take a moment right now to send a message to your representatives.

Click here to act.

(Or cut and paste this link:

If you'd like to learn more about the legislation, visit this page.

Thanks for your prompt action on behalf of our children.

There are also other important opportunities to support this legislation:

- Thursday, February 28: Public hearing on LD 2048 in Augusta
Email us if you are interested in attending at

- Tuesday, March 4: Environmental Health Day at the Capitol
Click here to sign up to attend!

The Environmental Health Strategy Center Team

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The Women's Environmental Health Initiative is a project of the Environmental Health Strategy Center, affiliated with the Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Maine
Visit EHSC on-line by clicking here
Learn more about the Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Maine by clicking here

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