Thursday, November 8, 2007

Friday November 9th - Rally for Advocates for a Multiracial Maine

As a response to graphics in the "Waterville Sentinel" on Tuesday,
November 6--a graphic which made it clear that there are
advocates of white supremacy in our area--area citizens are organizing
a rally--"Advocates for a Multiracial Maine"--from 4:00-4:30 on Friday,
NOVEMBER 9, in downtown Waterville, Castonaguay Square (next to the
Opera House). The purpose of the rally is not to focus on the alleged
perpetrator of what is being called by the police a hate crime, but rather
to affirm that we are a community that welcomes diversity and will not
pass over in silence representations that are very frightening to people
of color and white people alike. Please come and join us! For more
information, contact Julie de Sherbinin, 872-5908,

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